Shrimp spring rolls nyonya style

Shrimp spring rolls nyonya style

Preparation time:

Above 60 Minuti

Nutritional information:

435kcal / per serving




Geographic Area:

South Asia

Enviromental Impact:

Moderate (0.61kg CO2 eq) i

Spring rolls comprise a wide variety of appetizers in the shape of stuffed rolls known throughout the world and belonging to the culinary traditions of East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Latin America. In addition to fried spring rolls, there are also cold rolls, known as “summer rolls.” This particular recipe is a Nyonya-style version commonly known as popiah, in which the entire family often participates in the preparation ritual, especially in homes in Nyonya, Malaysia.

Ingredients for 4 portions

  • Fresh sheets for spring rolls or popiahs 20
  • Lettuce leaves, rinsed in cold water and patted dry 80 g
  • Jicama (sengkuang) or Mexican potatoes, grated 800 g
  • Green beans, sliced 80 g
  • Compact, fried and diced tofu 200 g
  • Shrimp, shelled, cleaned and cut into pieces 200 g
  • Fresh garlic, chopped 12 g
  • Halls q.b.
  • Ground white pepper 5 g
  • Sugar or to your taste, optional 5 g
  • Water 250 ml
  • Peanut oil 80 g
  • Hoisin sauce 125 g
  • Hot sauce 125 g



In a medium-sized nonstick skillet, heat half of the peanut oil, dip the tofu, and fry it until lightly browned on all sides. Transfer to a sheet of paper towels and pat dry. When cold, dice it and set aside.


Put the garlic in the same preheated skillet and sauté it to give off all its fragrance, then add the shrimp and sauté until just cooked. Remove them from the heat and set them aside.


In another high-sided saucepan, heat the remaining oil over medium heat and add the jicama, green beans, salt, pepper, sugar, and water. Lower the heat and let simmer until the potatoes are tender, about 30 minutes.


Return the shrimp and garlic mixture to the saucepan during the last 5 minutes of cooking and stir thoroughly.


Taste the filling and adjust the seasoning to your taste. Remove the filling from the heat and set aside to cool.


To create a roll, roll out a popiah sheet on a cutting board. Sprinkle with a teaspoon of sweet sauce and half a teaspoon of hot sauce. Arrange a lettuce leaf on top of the sauces.


Put 3 tablespoons of stuffing on the lettuce leaf. If the filling is too wet, carefully drain off the excess liquid.


Complete with diced tofu. Fold the two sides of the pastry sheet and wrap the roll tightly, rolling it to give it the shape of a cylinder.


Repeat this process with the other sheets.


Serve immediately.

Enviromental Impact



Per serving:

0.61kg CO2 equivalent i

Carbon footprint

To limit our impact on the environment, we advise you to remain within 1 kg CO2-equivalent per meal, including all the courses you eat. Bear in mind that plant-based dishes are more likely to have a low environmental impact.

Even though some of our suggestions exceed the recommended 1 kg CO2-equivalent per meal, that doesn't mean you should never make them; it's the overall balance that counts. Regularly eating a healthy and eco-friendly diet in the long term offsets even the dishes with the most impact, as long as you don't make them too often.