Beccafico-style Sicilian stuffed sardines

Beccafico-style Sicilian stuffed sardines

Preparation time:

Between 30 and 60 Minuti

Nutritional information:

385kcal / per serving


Second course


Seasonal dish:



Enviromental Impact:

Very low (0.193kg CO2 eq) i

A Sicilian culinary tradition in a fish-based recipe giving you all the flavors of the sea in an ultra-sustainable form.

Ingredients for 4 portions

  • Sardines 500 g (try to get fresh if you can)
  • Breadcrumbs 120 g
  • Extra virgin olive oil 4 tbsp
  • Sultanas 40 g
  • Pine nuts 32 g
  • Garlic 1 clove
  • Juice of 1 orange
  • Bay leaves a few
  • Parsley to taste
  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper to taste



First remove the sardines‘ scales, dorsal fin, head and innards (or use prepared sardines). Carefully remove the bones and open the sardines like a butterfly.


Toast the breadcrumbs for a few minutes in a non-stick pan, being careful not to burn them.


Transfer the breadcrumbs to a bowl and add the extra virgin olive oil, chopped garlic and parsley together with the pine nuts and raisins. Season with a little salt and pepper and mix well.


Dip both sides of the sardines in the breadcrumbs, roll them up and fix them with a toothpick.


Arrange the stuffed sardines on a baking tray, alternating them with bay leaves.


Drizzle with orange juice and bake in a preheated oven at 180° for 15 minutes.


Serve completely cold.

Enviromental Impact

Very low


Per serving:

0.193kg CO2 equivalent i

Carbon footprint

To limit our impact on the environment, we advise you to remain within 1 kg CO2-equivalent per meal, including all the courses you eat. Bear in mind that plant-based dishes are more likely to have a low environmental impact.

Even though some of our suggestions exceed the recommended 1 kg CO2-equivalent per meal, that doesn't mean you should never make them; it's the overall balance that counts. Regularly eating a healthy and eco-friendly diet in the long term offsets even the dishes with the most impact, as long as you don't make them too often.