Celeriac and quinoa salad

Celeriac and quinoa salad

Preparation time:

Less than 30 Minuti

Nutritional information:

186kcal / per serving


First course


Seasonal dish:


Enviromental Impact:

Very low (0.108kg CO2 eq) i

Quinoa is ideal with celeriac, a variety of celery grown for its edible stem.

Ingredients for 4 portions

  • Celeriac 300 g
  • Cooked quinoa 150 g
  • Fresh pineapple 1/2
  • Lemon 1/2
  • Extra virgin olive oil 4 tbsp (40 g)
  • Green peppercorns in brine 1 tbsp



Peel the pineapple and chop it up into sticks.


Peel the celeriac, chop it up into thin slices and then into strips, and soak in cold water with lemon juice to stop it turning black.


Blend up 1/4 of the pineapple with the oil in a blender (or hand blender).


Mix the celeriac with the cooked quinoa and dress with the sauce.


Mix the green peppercorns drained of brine and rinsed in water and decorate to serve.

Enviromental Impact

Very low


Per serving:

0.108kg CO2 equivalent i

Carbon footprint

To limit our impact on the environment, we advise you to remain within 1 kg CO2-equivalent per meal, including all the courses you eat. Bear in mind that plant-based dishes are more likely to have a low environmental impact.

Even though some of our suggestions exceed the recommended 1 kg CO2-equivalent per meal, that doesn't mean you should never make them; it's the overall balance that counts. Regularly eating a healthy and eco-friendly diet in the long term offsets even the dishes with the most impact, as long as you don't make them too often.